10 May 2012

Batak people who Escaped from Hitler Cruelty

In the body Parlindungan Lubis, not a drop of Jewish blood flowed. He was of pure Batak Mandailing. But in reality, he had languished for five years in Nazi concentration camps, and was lucky to get out of the sadistic torture and slaughter was unparalleled. Lubis remarkable story of his experiences in an autobiography. It's been a long outstanding; but the book still remains actual till now.

The reason, he was the only Indonesian who have direct experience in the tense days of the Nazi concentration camps. The place is terrible massacre was deliberately constructed to realize the dream of Hitler's insane, that is destroying ethnic Jews, gays, disabled people, gypsies and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Below you can listen to the mosaics Lubis Pandapotan experience that is dramatic, through the book reviews written by Koencoro: Autobiography Parlindoengan Loebis.

LUBIS went to Holland to study Medicine after I graduate candidate in Batavia (so he wrote it). During the Betawi, he was active in the Bond and Jong Jong Islamieten Batak, who then shared another student association (other than Jong Java) together form the GN and Indonesia Moeda.

In Leiden, he was recruited shortly Perhimpoenan Indonesia. After the death of Hatta et al, PI is leftism, with a clear line Stalinist. Lubis had become president, for 3 years, and brought to the PI that is not so left. Cooperation with the Communist Party of the Netherlands was stopped, and in cooperation with the Socialist Party (SDAP).

Then World War II broke out. May 1940, when the Germans moved to the west, the Dutch surrendered almost without resistance. And even then it still looks normal life in occupied Germany. Before the German attack was, pro-German party NSB ever get big enough votes (half the votes) of the Dutch people.

During the German occupation of this, Lubis had completed college in Leiden, then married in Haarlem, explore working in Utrecht, and eventually set up practice in Amsterdam. But later, June 26, 1941, two Dutch detectives picked her up. Loebis imprisoned, and then transferred to a concentration camp. (New in 1945, Loebis know the reason for his detention:

Apparently Germany is opening a new front against the Soviets, and the pro-communist activists feared a partisan behind the front). The first concentration camp was occupied by Camp Schoorl. Here, the prisoners have not been put to work, but only an apple and told to exercise. Then the entire camp is coupled to Camp Amersfoort. Here, the prisoners get construction jobs, including installing barbed wire. Also begin often brutally tortured, either by the Germans, and especially by the NSB.

Lubis was then transferred to the Buchenwald camp in Germany. Here Lubis began to lose hope for release, but the war ended with the defeat of Germany. He decided to live efficiently and without heart, to survive as long as possible. In Buchenwald, they opened the misty mountain forests, breaking stones, making the barracks, plumbing, electrical, garage, etc., for 7 days a week, 14 hours a day. Prisoners are often beaten, even to death. Shot prisoners talk.

But then again moved Lubis, in October 1942, the Sachsenhausen, the war Heinkel aircraft factory installation. Here the situation better. The camp is more focused on technical work, even if atrocities are still ongoing, and confiscated all the peoples lives there. This time, he was assigned as a camp doctor, so the lighter duties. Lubis rarely review of the Jews. He reasoned that perhaps the Jews were separated, and placed in a separate camp. Or maybe ... I dunno. When the Allies finally managed to get into Germany, the camp mess.

The prisoners and guards forming a line that continues to move erratically to the west. An exit row prisoners shot in the back of the head. But many guards who also fled to secede. They finally stopped in the village of Grabouw. Had joined the ranks of the other camp. And finally also to the Russian Army entered the village. They formally separated from the prisoners. But it needs time to recuperate, and to find ways to escape from the Russia, across the river Elbe, into the Western Allies, and finally returned to the Netherlands by train to Maastricht, then drove to her family in Amsterdam.

However, somewhere in eastern Indonesia's independence was proclaimed, and at the end of 1945, the news is starting to sound the people of Indonesia in the Netherlands. Lubis immediately declare themselves part of the independent Republic of Indonesia, and the clumsiness then it happens again. There was a World Youth Congress Democrats in Czechoslovakia, and Loebis want to attend this congress, on behalf of Indonesia. Of the Dutch did not give pass, but the British aid, he could go.

Very festive welcome to Indonesia, has angered the Dutch youth. Lubis ride back to the Dutch Belgian team. The Dutch government finally allowed back to their country of Indonesia. But with the status as NICA. Many think that this is a good support, because they do not realize that the NICA actually hostile to the Government of Indonesia Merdeka. Lubis was aware of, and give warning to the other.

But when he departed home, he was given the rank of Major NICA also, which of course he rejects. He took the doctor's status as a vessel, and the status it had to smuggle Dr. Loyal Boedi (Douwes Dekker) back to Indonesia. In Indonesia, Lubis resume his career as a doctor, and refused to play politics. Working as a doctor in PT Timah, Billiton. Rise time of the communist Indonesia, Lubis maligned and retired early, because they do not want to support the communists. But he stayed in the Pacific Islands. When his wife died, he had just moved to Jakarta. Lubis died at the end of 1994, almost no attention from our nation.

1 comment:

  1. The reason why Lubis was put in a concentration camp, apparently was because he had protested against the dismissal of all Jewish staff at Leiden University as was ordered by the German authorities.
