Well according to the above title, kowandy will summarize a collection of strange images, unique, funny and new. Most Internet users who frequently membrwosing saturated and will work to find the pictures funny or strange to just refreshing moment. That's why kowandy will help you refresh your mind so fresh back to work.
30 April 2012
Collection of Weird And Funny Pictures Latest 2012
Well according to the above title, kowandy will summarize a collection of strange images, unique, funny and new. Most Internet users who frequently membrwosing saturated and will work to find the pictures funny or strange to just refreshing moment. That's why kowandy will help you refresh your mind so fresh back to work.
29 April 2012
Unique Bed-up of facebook.
You are a true facebooker? should see the following excerpts kowandy review. Facebook increasingly prevalent throughout the world, to the extent that there appears a creative idea to create a Facebook-style bed. Previously had a lot of unique ideas that emerged related to social networking sites, like facebook chat on the desktop, facebook status updates via the cafe, hold much more and will continue to grow in line to see the power of the network at facebook.com.
Intrigued by the title of your bed up? please see the facebook pictures bed below.
Intrigued by the title of your bed up? please see the facebook pictures bed below.
28 April 2012
6 Tips How To Make Other People to Like You
1. Genuinely interested in others. The first way to make others like us is to show interest in others. Interest in others may mean like hanging out and interacting with others. It is closely related to the level of social intelligence that we have. The better social intelligence we have, will allow us to mingle and interact with others. This is the future that will make other people are enjoying ourselves. In addition, we will get more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than we get in 2 years by way of seeking other people interested in you.
2. Prof smile. James V. Mc Connell, a psychologist from Michigan once said: "People who smile tend to be able to cope with, teach and sell more effectively and raising children are happier." Dear reader, with a smile to the people we meet, that we are happy to meet with him. A genuine smile means that we're happy. And pleasure is a form of positive emotions that can be "transmitted" to others. A pleasant condition is what allows us to interact better.
27 April 2012
The Origin of Soccer Shoes
Soccer shoes is one thing that must be considered by a football player, football boots Due is one of the things that determine a player soccer game. And just so you know, it turns out the use of soccer shoes have a history and origin of the term.
Sepakola first introduced in the early days in England (around the mid-18th century), soccer players should wear sandals of any type in the field. Shoes with smooth base and is often used for work was allowed. Women's shoes with the right a bit high even used him on the gridiron.
Sepakola first introduced in the early days in England (around the mid-18th century), soccer players should wear sandals of any type in the field. Shoes with smooth base and is often used for work was allowed. Women's shoes with the right a bit high even used him on the gridiron.
26 April 2012
25 April 2012
Bridge World's Most Beautiful And Ultimate
Beautiful and magnificent bridges in the World
A. Banpo Bridge (South Korea): The Fountain Bridge
On 9 September 2008, the Banpo Bridge in Seoul (South Korea) received a major facelift: 10,000 nozzle fountain that runs all the way on both sides. Immediately after installed, the bridge turned into a major tourist attraction, as a bridge pump out 190 tons of water per minute, using water from the river below.
2. Millau Bridge (France): World's tallest Vehicular Bridge
Towering high above the 1125-ft Tarn Valley in southern France, driving along the Millau Bridge is said to feel like flying. Foster + Partners marvel is slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower, took three years to build and opened to the public in 2004. While it may provide picturesque views of the valley below, after the fog down the route was not for the faint of heart! The Millau Bridge has a total length of 8,071-ft with the longest single span at 1,122-ft and a maximum clearance below of the 886-ft; in the short bridge is massively impressive both on paper and in real life. The deck is lofted on 7 pylons and weighs 36,000 tons. A series of 7 masts, each 292-feet tall and weighing 700 tons, which is attached to the corresponding pole
24 April 2012
289 Million Year-Old forests found intact
A number of American and Chinese scientists were stunned bywhat they found in the coal mines near Wuda, Inner Mongolia,China. A forest was estimated to be 298 million years old found buried in one piece.
The scientists then called the Pompeii of the findings of the Permian period. Pompeii is an ancient Roman city buried in volcanic ash found from the eruption of Vesuvius.
Just as Pompeii, the swamp forest is perfectly maintained so that scientists can find out where each plant initially had grown. This allows them to map the forest.
University of Pennsylvania paleobotanis expert, Hermann Pfefferkorn, calls these findings as a time capsule. Pfefferkorn itself is one of the scientists who joined the team.
This is a wonderful preservation. We are here and when he found the limb, we find the same tree stump. This is absolutely perfect, "said Pfefferkorn as reported by Gizmodo.
The scientists found throughout the plant and tree in the exact position and condition as when the eruption, just as Pompeii. The difference, Pompeei comes from the year 79 AD, while the forest is covered with ash over 298 million years, during the Permian period.
The researchers found a forest area covering 10 763 square feet (approximately 1 square kilometer), hidden under a coal mine. They are dug using a variety of heavy equipment. They believe, pemfosilan forests because ashes buried in a huge volume which poured from the sky for days.
23 April 2012
The largest and most deserted mall in the World
A Mall in Dongguan, China is the largest and most deserted mall in the world. This mall has an area of 660,000 square meters with visitors and buyers can browse the store 2350. Not only that, in the mall area there are also rides like roller coasters and ghost trains. Visitors who come also can take a walk along the canal and the Venetian style can also spend lunch time in front of the Arc de Triomphe replica as high as 85 feet.
Looking at the mall is so big, of course, most people think that the mall would be surrounded by crowded visitors. So also with the owners of the mall. When the shopping center was built, they hope that there will be more than 70,000 visitors a day.
Looking at the mall is so big, of course, most people think that the mall would be surrounded by crowded visitors. So also with the owners of the mall. When the shopping center was built, they hope that there will be more than 70,000 visitors a day.
21 April 2012
7 Name of Product The Very Embarrassing
Decades we have entered the era of globalization where the products of a bus anywhere in Indonesia, Indonesia as well as products can be marketed abroad. But it seems to the present managers and marketing experts continue to make mistakes. Less research language and naming of products that are not sensitive even to make us roar with laughter with the name of the porn and sometimes one hundred eighty degrees from the true meaning. Inspired by the Dell tablet that will soon be launched, this is the name of the seven incorrect product manufacturer name so embarrassing.
The product of this country come from Chavez, even a defendant in the case this time is Hugo Chavez himself, the president of Venezuela. With the hope of floating the national mobile phone made by Venezuela itself, this eccentric president ordered his staff to develop a low-cost mobile phone to people. Unlike in our country, this program succeeded in developing a mobile phone for $ 10 complete with a camera, WAP internet, FM radio, MP3 and MP4 player, impressive is not it? But for all other Latin Americans, whose name is the "strength". Chavez himself who named this product Vergatorio. A word that he created that can be translated "perfection". Whether intentional or not "Verga" in Spanish means the * ahem * local .. Penis. Local residents and Venezuela reportedly cursed like speaking in foul language, Chavez himself chose this name to describe that he was a leader who is close to the people. So ahem .. it .. plus-Torio means of perfection that can also mean power ... erect? Forgive us for the use of these connotations
The product of this country come from Chavez, even a defendant in the case this time is Hugo Chavez himself, the president of Venezuela. With the hope of floating the national mobile phone made by Venezuela itself, this eccentric president ordered his staff to develop a low-cost mobile phone to people. Unlike in our country, this program succeeded in developing a mobile phone for $ 10 complete with a camera, WAP internet, FM radio, MP3 and MP4 player, impressive is not it? But for all other Latin Americans, whose name is the "strength". Chavez himself who named this product Vergatorio. A word that he created that can be translated "perfection". Whether intentional or not "Verga" in Spanish means the * ahem * local .. Penis. Local residents and Venezuela reportedly cursed like speaking in foul language, Chavez himself chose this name to describe that he was a leader who is close to the people. So ahem .. it .. plus-Torio means of perfection that can also mean power ... erect? Forgive us for the use of these connotations
20 April 2012
7 Photos Beautiful Skyscraper
This is a beautiful view of the skyscraper buildings that can at least give the positive side of a "wilderness for Big Cities".
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia City S
19 April 2012
Baby Mammoth on Display in Hong Kong
Baby mammoth buried 42 thousand years ago is stored properly. Not only that, this ancient elephant to be exhibited in Hong Kong this week. curious? female baby mammoth was found in the ice in Yamal Peninsula, Russia in 2007. Ancient elephant baby named Lyuba is in excellent condition that all the internal organs and eyes can still be found.
Only part of the toenails, partial tail and fur baby elephant is missing. Interestingly, in fact, traces of milk from a baby elephant can be found in the stomach Lyuba, said the IFC mall that will showcase this beautiful animal, as reported by ST.
Only part of the toenails, partial tail and fur baby elephant is missing. Interestingly, in fact, traces of milk from a baby elephant can be found in the stomach Lyuba, said the IFC mall that will showcase this beautiful animal, as reported by ST.
18 April 2012
SNSD Taeyeon Got Plastic Surgery Controversy
Returning member of the girlband Girls Generation or SNSD exposed the issue of plastic surgery. This time the leader, Taeyeon is the target of rumors.
Rumor is sticking to the surface after the broadcast that aired on Music Core MBC, Friday (14/04), Taeyeon's face seems to change from the usual.
Rumor is sticking to the surface after the broadcast that aired on Music Core MBC, Friday (14/04), Taeyeon's face seems to change from the usual.
8 April 2012
Examples Failing to Educate Parents son.
Was the duty of parents to educate their children with this gracious either way, so the child can grow with and kalakuan psychological condition is good, but if a way to educate children as the photo below what the world
7 April 2012
7 Forbidden Places To Put Mobile
Era, as now, the phone is a must-have items every person, especially a hobby with gadgets and technology. Now for my friend who had a cell phone, try deh perhatiin this article, coz this phone can not be put in place at random. The following 7 Forbidden Places To Put Mobile, namely:
1. Do not Put In a Pocket
For the men who are happy to put the phone in his trouser pocket, you should think about re-dech .. The reason, the phone generates an electrostatic field and electromagnetic exposure that resulted in infertility (infertility) men.
1. Do not Put In a Pocket
For the men who are happy to put the phone in his trouser pocket, you should think about re-dech .. The reason, the phone generates an electrostatic field and electromagnetic exposure that resulted in infertility (infertility) men.
6 April 2012
Ultimate World School
Make no mistake, this is not a mall, hotel or place where people like to have fun, but this is a school building, where people learn, gain knowledge. Orestad College, in Denmark, became the only school building with a luxurious range of first class facilities.
The school is designed as comfortable as possible for the students so they can be expected to produce maximum performance. Denmark academics believe that the sun can raise the students' enthusiasm for learning. Therefore, school buildings are designed to maximize sunlight as a source of illumination.
Unlike most schools which completely fragmented, then designs the inside would be completely open, so that the upper floors can see the sections below. In addition to internet connections in every place, every student also received a free laptop. There are also multi-functional orange pillow that can be used for relaxing, studying, or sleeping to relieve fatigue.
No wonder the unique design of this school successfully gained international recognition through several awards.
Seeing all that was in Orestad College, it seems there is no reason for not performing, right?
Cost is approximately $ 325 Per Month
5 April 2012
10 Things You Can Do in 10 of World's Most Romantic
You want to travel the world with your partner? to foster love and romance that shakes in, or you want a honeymoon abroad. Here is the place - the most romantic, exotic, should you see, experience and feel with your partner .. or you are single and want to grow a dream - your romantic dreams, here are the most suitable place.
10. Venice, Italy
If you want to make Andaspektakuler holiday, this hotel has aromantic dripping out of every corner. Located in the heart of the imperial Fes, Morocco, medina and nuanced view of Riyad makesthis hotel a perfect place for couples.
4. Jaipur, India
10. Venice, Italy
Venice is a city that is famous for its beautiful scenery and romantic experience. And a trip to Venice is complete without a Gondola ride. Make sure you add it to the list of activities to do while you're there.
Most Romantic in Venice Soundtrack: Traveling by Gondola
What could be more romantic than up and down the Grand Canal with authentic Venetian gondola? And maybe you'll be lucky enough to hear gondelier (helmsman gnsola) singing.
9. Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is the most beautiful cities in Spain and is the capital of Catalonia. This town of about 2250 years old served as living gallery of modernist architecture and decoration style and Art Nouveau. Temples and works of architect Antoni Gaudí buildings, medieval churches, Roman walls and the rest of the plaza as well as a place people go for a walk-all it special. Called the "Paris of Spain" by Hans Christian Andersen on the beauty and rich cultural heritage.
Most Romantic activities in Barcelona: Take the air balloon
This is the most romantic way to explore one of the most romantic city in the world, from an altitude of 1000 meters, make sure you enjoy the panorama of classic and exotic cities in the whole contents
5. Florence, Italy
Is the birthplace of the Renaissance, since the 14th century to 16, Florence is known as a center of cultural, economic and financial importance in Italy and Europe, so called the "Athens of the West". Firenze (Florence) is considered a pioneer of Italian art and cultural revival. Literary works are born from great writers from Firenze (Florence) as Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarch.
Most Romantic activities in Florence: Boboli Garden
With a stunning pink rose bushes covering a very green, Boboli gardens of Florence would resemble a garden paradise of a fairy tale.
7. Kyoto, Japan
This is a city that is steeped in tradition. While you're there, be sure to stay in a traditional ryokan, and bathing in a bath house Funaoka authentic. Another popular attraction is a day trip to Nara, where you can feed the deer with your hands.
The most romantic place to visit in Kyoto: Japanese Garden
You should see the Kyoto Botanical Garden. With a beautiful lawn and flowers - flowers along the kilometer, it is a perfect place for a stroll with your loved ones.
6. Bruges, Belgium
This is one place closely associated with romance. The best way to experience the feel of the city is on foot for all things romantic beauty is within walking distance. While occasionally stop by the cafe - that exotic old cafe in the city.
Romantic things you can do in Bruges: Up and around by horse-drawn carriage
During summer nights, in Bruges' golden roofs shining under the lovely flashes of sunlight began to dim. So, naturally, take the train through the streets is the perfect way to end the day with someone special for you.
5. Fez, Moroko
It's easy to be seduced by the beauty of Fez. Ancient fortress city in Morocco is famous for its maze-like alleys, tiled mosques and a delicious tea garden.
The most romantic places to live in fez: Sofitel Palais Jamai
If you want to make Andaspektakuler holiday, this hotel has aromantic dripping out of every corner. Located in the heart of the imperial Fes, Morocco, medina and nuanced view of Riyad makesthis hotel a perfect place for couples.
4. Jaipur, India
A very romantic city has a history of the 17th century and filled with the charm of the world. While you're there, ride an elephant is a romantic thing to pass along your lover
3. Lisbon, Portugal
One of the unique and romantic way to discover the city of Lisbon is to ride the Lift Santa Justa.lift of this iron makes an amazing experience while sitting in the city center and provides an intense view of the city's skyline, especially at sunset.
2. Monte Carlo, Monaco
their love on the wild side, Monte Carlo is a suitable place. With several choices of activities such as F1 racing, sports tournaments and high stakes in the casinos, the excitement does not stop after you leave the room
1. Paris, France
Filled with a variety of exotic cuisine, glamorous fashion, boutique - upscale boutiques which are countless, paris is the perfect place for you to explore with the one you love even though sometimes you need more funds
Romantic things that can be done in Paris: Dinner at the Eiffel Tower!
Delicious food and stunning views? Could not be better1.
Exotic culinary, delicious combined with stunning views, is there a more romantic than that? located on the first level of the tower, a giant window Le 58 Tour Eiffel is one of the special sights for Paris Trocadero area, but it's not over yet1. keep up with River Cruise on the River Seine and a show at the Moulin Rouge1.
4 April 2012
Assorted Ice Cream The World Famous
Ice cream is a frozen food made from dairy products such as cream (or equivalent), combined with flavorings and sweeteners. This mixture was cooled with stirring while reducing its temperature to prevent the formation of large ice crystals. Traditional, the temperature is reduced by placing the ice cream mixture into a container is inserted into the mixture of cracked ice and salt. Salt makes water liquid can be below the freezing point of pure water, making it a touch uneven container with water and ice.
3 April 2012
Mystery Whatever Burning Man Who Can touch
This can be achieved by accelerating particles to increase the temperature until it reaches the level of extreme heat and capable of emitting sparks that could release large api.Sebagian person with this gift have the ability to improve their personal temperature to warm, even in the coldest conditions.
In some traditions pyrokinetic (people who can use pyrokinesis) can make a fire, but a 'technical' pyrokinetic can only manipulate fire, although they da pat burns combustible material, making the fire afterwards. The ability to create fire from thin air, without any combustible material, called 'pyrogenesis.'
In some traditions pyrokinetic (people who can use pyrokinesis) can make a fire, but a 'technical' pyrokinetic can only manipulate fire, although they da pat burns combustible material, making the fire afterwards. The ability to create fire from thin air, without any combustible material, called 'pyrogenesis.'
2 April 2012
Smart Guard Dog Bicycle employer
Li-Li while keeping the bike master (quirky china news)
Because of his habit guard his master's bicycle, a dog golden retriever has been transformed into a new celebrity in China.
Luo Wencong of Nanning, capital of Guangxi Province need not bother buying a padlock to keep your bike from thieves, because the Li-Li dogs are always ready to secure the bike.
Due to the unique habit of keeping the bike when the employer, thelocal residents in Nanning nicknamed Li-Li as a 'dog bicyclefollowers', as he put his front paws on the bike when parked Lou.
In addition, Lou said that Li-Li is a smart dog, and can also count,helping to bring bags of groceries.
In addition, Lou said that Li-Li is a smart dog, and can also count,helping to bring bags of groceries.
Wherever I park the bike, he (Li-Li) embraced him with both front legs to keep my bike stolen. Li-Li is a very smart dog. I tell her every day, and he seems to quite understand what I say, "said Lou was quoted Orange.
In the evening, Li-Li helps the employer to take out the trash in a trash can that is about 200 meters from his residence.
Although there are people who offered to pay 10,000 yuan (USD 14 million) to buy the Li-Li, but Lou rejected the offer.
1 April 2012
Find Out The Secret Intelligence Jewish People
Dr. Stephen Carr Leon article should be a reflection together. Stephen writes from direct observation. After being three years in Israel as undergoing housemanship several hospitals there. He noticed some interesting things that can be drawn as a thesis, namely, "Why Smart Jews?"
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