10 September 2011

Benefits of Warm Water Bath


. Reduce stress
Warm bath can relieve stress after seherian busy working. Adding essential oils in the bath can increase a further relaxation.

2. Cleaning the body
Warm water has huge benefits for the lifting of oil in the skin. Not only nourish the body, but also makes skin healthy awake.

3. Blood Circulation
When bathing in warm water, blood circulation becomes more fluent. Not only boost the immune system, blood peredarahan smoothly will stabilize the body that are not easily catch a cold.

4. Opening the pores
If you prefer using a cream or skin care, use after bathing or soaking in warm water. The absorption of creams can occur more efficiently because of warm temperatures make the skin pores open and nutrition of care creams can be absorbed perfectly.

5. Overcoming insomnia
No need to take a sleeping pill to get sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, try a warm bath to feel more relaxed and good blood circulation to overcome the problem of difficulty sleeping.

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